I want to give credit to Joints for Homeless for this idea. I was actually scrolling through instagram checking out a post showing a recipe for edible cookie brownies :). I went to leave a comment saying I was going to give the recipe a try and above my comment I saw a previous one from @jointsforhomeless. It said that they made edibles for the homeless and to check out their movement. I was intrigued and clicked on their community page. It was really inspiring particularly because I have been feeling so defeated by the fact that I can't afford the license for my business allowing me to sell in dispensaries and I'm assuming soon to be most anywhere. 

I know I have an amazing product that's capable of helping so many. I wanted to create a business from home to provide for my family in a financial aspect but I also genuinely want to help people.I don't know that this company will be able to grow large enough to fill my wallet but I do know that helping others will fill my heart. Thankfully my family and man make sure that the kids and I never go without. Not everyone has that kind of support.

I have decided to put 2$ from every bar sold in a separate fund to buy the ingredients I need for batches of bars that I can donate locally to those in need. I am accepting donations that will go 100% towards the cause via Venmo @smittencbd and Cash App $smittenCBD. If you do donate just make sure to note that it is a donation and let me know if you mind being added to a list of donors. 

I will be posting details on any progress towards this effort as well as a thank you to donors here on this page. Nobody deserves to be left in pain, together we can bring relief to those in need!

Thank you,
